You belong to a group of teachers who want students to have a general overview of the world.
Teachers in this group especially like traditional regional geography, which includes topography in particular. You are happy when the pupils know where what is located, where the Krkonoše Mountains, the Pyrenees or the Alps are, or where the world’s granaries or iron ore deposits are located.
In addition, it is important for you that the pupils know basic geographical concepts. You know that without knowledge of geographical facts and concepts, it is impossible to answer more demanding geographical questions and to understand the essence and meaning of geographical thinking.
You often use textbooks, maps and atlases, and other aids and applications to help students consolidate knowledge and gain information about certain places or regions.
When information about a volcanic eruption appears in the media , you can immediately prepare a lesson about the processes that lead to the emergence of volcanic activity . Pupils deepen their knowledge about the types of volcanoes, work with a diagram of a volcano and find out where other active volcanoes are located.
When information about a volcanic eruption appears in the media, you can immediately prepare a lesson about the processes that lead to the emergence of volcanic activity. Pupils deepen their knowledge about the types of volcanoes, work with a diagram of a volcano and find out where other active volcanoes are located.