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You belong to a group of teachers who want students to have a general overview of the world.  

Teachers in this group especially like traditional regional geography, which includes topography in particular. You are happy when the pupils know where what is located, where the Krkonoše Mountains, the Pyrenees or the Alps are, or where the world’s granaries or iron ore deposits are located.  

In addition, it is important for you that the pupils know basic geographical concepts. You know that without knowledge of geographical facts and concepts, it is impossible to answer more demanding geographical questions and to understand the essence and meaning of geographical thinking.  

You often use textbooks, maps and atlases, and other aids and applications to help students consolidate knowledge and gain information about certain places or regions.  


When information about a volcanic eruption appears in the media you can immediately prepare a lesson about the processes that lead to the emergence of volcanic activity . Pupils deepen their knowledge about the  types of volcanoes,  work with a diagram of a volcano and  find  out where  other  active volcanoes are located. 

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When information about a volcanic eruption appears in the media, you can immediately prepare a lesson about the processes that lead to the emergence of volcanic activity. Pupils deepen their knowledge about the types of volcanoes, work with a diagram of a volcano and find out where other active volcanoes are located. 

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Teachers focus on the description and distribution of phenomena and knowledge of the location

Assessment ?

To verify knowledge and skills, tests with closed but also open answers, fillers, knowledge quizzes, Kahoots, crosswords, figure eights, blind maps, etc. are used.

Formative assessment rarely occurs at Globalist, because either the facts are in the students’ heads or not, and if they are not, they are evaluated summatively, and the student either learns it at home or not.

They are verified using the criterion of factual correctness of the facts (whether he has knowledge or not) . When locating places on the map (even blind ones), we are concerned with accuracy . Pupils often describe, enumerate, show, supplement, classify, sort, and differentiate.

For formative feedback for each topic, ask questions based on the assessment criteria:

(after much thought) … there probably aren’t any … the only thing that is relevant: Why can’t you do it?

What will you do to be able to do it next time?


  • Emphasis on the formation of factual knowledge and general overview
  • Topography, blank maps, quizzes
  • Knowledge of basic geographical terms

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Teachers focus primarily on students’ factual knowledge. Teaching is primarily based on conveying geographical facts and forming factual knowledge about the world. Teachers try to make their students know where what is located, where geographical processes and phenomena take place, and for students to be aware of the distribution of specific geographical phenomena (biomes, mineral deposits, monuments, agriculture) at all levels of order (global, regionally and locally). Globalist teachers often argue that knowledge is a necessary condition for successful problem-solving.

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  • Detailed knowledge of topography and topography
  • General overview, world knowledge
  • Predictability and readability of teaching

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Pupils educated in the globalist conception tend to have very detailed knowledge of the world. Pupils are relatively satisfied with the concept of geography focused on factual knowledge. They memorize something and get a grade. Teaching geography in this form is predictable and readable for pupils. Pupils in lower grades often have positive attitudes. With increasing age, the attitudes tend to become negative, as pupils do not see the usefulness of factography and tend to question the usefulness of geography.

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  • Emphasis on factography
  • Tendency to “think everything through”
  • Does not explain the usefulness of geography to life

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Globalist teachers often remain only at the level of factual knowledge. They don’t have time because they tend to “discuss everything” and therefore don’t devote much time to the application of the subject matter and its use in everyday life. Teachers often do not work at the level of application of geographical knowledge, nor do they pay much attention to explaining relationships and contexts. Globalist teachers are convinced that the educational mission of geography is to form a so-called general overview. It’s fine to know every state in the US and show its location, but without explaining why students should know it and why it’s useful for everyday life, geography education loses its appeal in the eyes of students. It is possible to remain in this concept for the entire teaching career – only quizzes, video games and practice tasks can be used in the teaching of geography to help pupils acquire and consolidate knowledge.

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  • Geography is not fun
  • Stereotypical geography lessons
  • Detachment from everyday life

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Geography students do not enjoy this concept very much. A factual interpretation tends to be stereotypical and very far from the needs and experiences of pupils. In connection with the facts discussed, teachers often require students to learn by heart. The interpretation is very abstract from the student’s point of view in the sense that “I am learning something that could be useful, but I don’t know when and under what circumstances, but I suspect that it is okay because I know all the flags of the Central African states.” Pupils from globalist teachers often lack information about what the curriculum can be used for practically, or why they should actually learn geographic factography.

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... Well, the students will simply love you, because they will enjoy your teaching!